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Airport Authority of India (AAI)

  • The International air cargo terminal at Kolkata Airport was the first air cargo terminal in the country, which was commissioned on 5th October, 1975.
  • The international air cargo complex is located 1/2 km north of international terminal building with well-connected road infrastructure for smooth functioning of air cargo services.
  • The total covered area of air cargo terminal is 21,906 square meter and its annual holding capacity including transshipment is 120000 MT. as of 1.4.13.
  • There are four parking bays exclusively for freighter fleet, which can accommodate up to B-747 type of aircraft.
  • AAI has created this air cargo terminal with various facilities for processing air cargo in the terminal building at par with any international airport.
  • All operating airlines and other agencies, which are connected with the clearance and pre-shipment formalities, have been accommodated under one roof at air cargo complex.
  • AAI was appointed as a Custodian of Import and Export cargo as per Custom notification 2/78 under section of 45 of Customs Act, 1962.
  • Most of the regulatory and facilitation were established under one roof.
  • The cargo terminal has three wings for processing of Export, Import cargo and Unaccompanied Baggage (Import) besides Disposal Unit for disposal of unclaimed / uncleared cargo.
  • Kolkata International Air Cargo Terminal provides air cargo services to entire Eastern and Northern-Eastern region for transshipment cargo.
  • In international freight transactions it connects six regions in the world, which are enriched in global market - South-Asian, South-East Asian Countries, Western Countries, Middle-East Countries, Central Asia.
  • Assistance and additional information required, if any, may be sought from -

AAI-Duty Manager
Ph:91-33- 39874405

Customs PRO
Cargo could be cleared either by self or by a licensed Customs House clearing Agents. No demurrage charges are leviable on cargo if cleared within prescribed free period.


  1. Obtain carting order Baggage Declaration form from airlines or through EDI LOCATION - Respective Airline Offices
  2. Obtain T C receipt from AAI counter and pay in the bank or by cash LOCATION - AAI TC Counter, Export Wing, State Bank of India
  3. Registerd BD form with Customs LOCATION - Customs Hall (BD Unit)
  4. Present BD Form to customs along with baggage, complete the customs examination and obtain "Let Export" order.
    LOCATION - Customs Hall
  5. Handover the documents to concerned airlines
    LOCATION - Respective Airline Offices
  6. Cargo is unitized by individual airlines as per loading instructions.
    LOCATION - AAI Export Palletisation Area
  7. Release of Export cargo from cargo terminal by individual airlines after permission from export freight officer (EFO) of Customs
    LOCATION - AAI Palletisation Area, Export Wing



  1. Registration, Processing of pre-shipping bill by customs (CRU)
    LOCATION -Customs Hall
  2. Obtain carting order and AWB from the carreir / IATA agent or through EDI
    LOCATION - Respective Airline Offices / IATA Agent
  3. Present documents / shipping bill / AWB / Carting order / to AAI counter and obtain terminal charges receipt or all through web based EDI system.
    LOCATION - AAI TC Counter - Export Wing
  4. Present shipping bill / AWB / Carting order / Terminal charges receipt to AAI staff
    LOCATION - Truck Dock Area
    Complete customs examination and obtain "Let Export Order" from customs
    LOCATION - Export Examination Area
  5. Handover complete bunch of documents (AWB / Shipping Bill / TC) to concerned airlines
    LOCATION -Respective airlines offices at 3rd floor / Airlines pigeonhole almirah, positioned at Export exit gate of export bonded area near exit gate.
  6. Release of cargo to the airlines and presenting of export manifest after collecting Demurrage charges etc.
    LOCATION - Exit gate, Export Wing
  7. Unitization by individual airlines
    LOCATION - AAI Export Palletisation
  8. Release of export cargo for the flight with customs approval
    LOCATION - AAI Export Palletisation area



  1. Obtain delivery order from the concerned airline, break bulk agent.
    LOCATION - Respective airline / Break Bulk Agent
  2. File Baggage Declaration Form (BD) with customs along with airway bill / delivery order.
    LOCATION – Customs BD unit in Customs Hall.
  3. Obtain TSP receipt (Location-cum-Bank Challan- LSBC) from AAI which indicates no. of pkgs to be examined in the location.
    LOCATION - Import Wing
  4. Obtain packages required for customs examinations / forwarding AAI Staff.
    LOCATION - Examination / Delivery counter - Import Wing, 1000 hrs - 1600 hrs
  5. Complete customs examination of the packages and get them repacked in presence of CHA / by designated customs officer or PAX.
    LOCATION - Customs examination hall
  6. Payment of Customs Duty amount and AAI charges in Bank.
    LOCATION - State Bank of India, 2nd floor, Administrative Building
  7. Deposit AAI Charges in bank or by cash.
    LOCATION - SBI counter, 2nd floor, Administrative Building
  8. Obtain Gate pass against AAI charges payment receipt
    LOCATION - Computer Counter, Import Wing, 1000 hrs - 1800 hrs
  9. Present gate pass to AAI staff for delivery of the packages
    LOCATION - Import Wing, Delivery gate.
  10. Take delivery from AAI staff against the original gate pass, duly endorsed by Customs Officer at the Delivery Gate
    LOCATION - Delivery gate, Import



  1. Obtain Delivery order from the concerned airlines or Consol Agent.
    LOCATION - Respective Airlines at cargo terminal/Agent premises
  2. Submit Bill of Entry along with Delivery order, letter of authority, airway bill, invoice, packing list & import license etc. to the customs file through EDI.
    LOCATION - Customs Hall
  3. Examination order from customs appraiser
    LOCATION - Customs appraiser's room
  4. Obtain TSP Receipt (LSBC) from AAI counter which indicates no. of pkgs to be examined
    LOCATION - Computer counter - Import wing
  5. Obtain the packages for customs examination from AAI
    LOCATION - Location counter, Import Wing, 1000 hrs - 1800 hrs
  6. Complete customs examination by customs examiners and get it repacked.
    LOCATION - Customs examination hall
  7. Payment of Customs Duty in SBI and payment of AAI charges through Pre-Deposit account maintained with AAI or in bank.
    LOCATION - 2nd Floor, Admn. Bldg.
  8. Obtain out of charge (OOC) order from concerned customs office against Duty payment receipt.
    LOCATION - Customs appraiser office
  9. Obtain AAI gate pass on surrendering all documents
    LOCATION - Computer counter - Import wing, 1000 hrs - 2000 hrs. Present gate pass at import wing, endorsed by customs officer at delivery gate and obtain delivery.



1 Covered Area 8,516 Sq. m  
2 E.T.V. area 1,333 sqm  
3 One time holding capacity 258 M.T.  
4 Annual holding capacity 47,089 M.T.  
5 Cargo Apron Capacity 2B-737 type & 2B-747 type  


1 Import 13,390 Sq.m  
2 Automated & Retrieval System (AS/RS) 1930 Sqm Storage
3 One time holding capacity 513 M.T  
4 Annual holding capacity 86748 M.T.  
5 Transhipment Area 80 Sq.m  
6 7 Hazardous cargo shed 82 Sq.m  


  1. Banks - State Bank of India
  2. Canteen
  3. Cold Drinks/Tea/Coffee Kiosks
  4. Packer Services
  5. Business centre (Xerox, Fax, Telephone, stationary etc.)
  6. Air Conditioned Public Waiting Lounge


  1. On-line Integrated Cargo Management System (ICMS) for data processing
  2. Forklifts
  3. High Reach takers
  4. Electronic/Mechanical weighing machines
  5. Cargo trolleys
  6. Power pallet trucks
  7. Idle ULD Parking area
  8. Truck-dock - 16 Nos.
  9. Auction hall for disposal of unclaimed cargo


  1. Automated Storage & Retrieval System in Import
  2. Elevated Transfer Vehicle in Export
  3. Strong room for valuable cargo
  4. Cold Storage Facilities
  5. Hazardous Cargo Shed
  6. Transshipment shed


Cold Storage Total area with 3 chambers 43.80 Sq.m  
Description Temperature Door Size  
Chamber - A (Drug) +2° C to 4° C 2 x 1.15 Mts.    
Chamber - B +2° C to 5° C      
(Veg. & Fruits) 2 x 1.15 Mts.    
Chamber - C (Meat) -22° C 2 x 1.15 Mts.    


  1. AAI maintains Pre-Deposit Accounts (PDA) to facilitate the trade / users for making payments to AAI for all services pertaining to import & export.
  2. The payments shall be made by way of Demand Draft or Pay order, drawn on the nationalised bank, in favour of AAI, Kolkata Airport.
  3. Each PD account holder shall maintain a minimum balance of Rs. 3000/- and no interest shall be paid on the deposit amount.
  4. Replenishment payment shall be accepted once in a week.
  5. The account shall be operative between 1000 hrs. and 1800 hrs.
  6. Bank challan issued by AAI, for the purpose of payment, shall be used as debit advice and no separate advice will be issued by this office.
  7. Three authorised signatories, authorised by the company, shall operate the account.
  8. No overdraft shall be allowed, under any circumstances.
  9. A computerised statement of account shall be generated and placed in the Cargo F&A section, which may personally be collected by the deposit account holder.
  10. The company has to ensure that enough fund are available in the account. Therefore, depending upon the transactions, initial deposit or replenishment amount shall be made for availing the facility.


AAI-Duty Manager
Ph: 91-33-39874405

Know Kolkata