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Immigration Rules:

Indian nationals travelling abroad require a valid Indian passport and travel authority for the destination country. The travel authority is normally in the form of Visa, which is obtained prior to the journey, except in case of countries where "Visa on Arrival" is available. Indian nationals travelling abroad may also note that some countries insist on certain minimum period of passport validity for allowing entry.Foreign Nationals coming to India are required to possess a genuine and valid national passport or any other internationally recognized travel document establishing his/her nationality and identity, bearing the photograph of the individual
Nepal and Bhutan nationals if entering India by land or air from the Nepal or Bhutan border respectively do not require a passport for entering into India. However, they are required to possess, authorized identity proof.In case these nationals arrive from China, they require Indian Visa to enter Indian territory but they can stay in transit and depart to their own country through India.

It has been decided to do away with the filling of Departure (Embarkation) Card by Foreigners and Arrival (Disembarkation) Card by Indians w.e.f. March 1, 2014.

  • Indian nationals are not required to fill in Disembarkation (Arrival) Card w.e.f. March 1, 2014. Foreign nationals (Including PIO/OCI card holders) will continue to fill in the Disembarkation Card at arrival.
  • Foreign nationals (including PIO/OCI card holders) are not required to fill in Embarkation (Departure) Card w.e.f. March 1, 2014.
The fees for getting Indian Visa vary from country to country. Please check with the Indian Embassy in the respective country for the applicable fee.

Visa on arrival:
Visa on arrival in India is available for foreign nationals of 12 countries on payment of Rs.3,600/- in Indian currency.(equivalent to $60).The countries are Finland, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Japan, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore, Myanmar, Indonesia, South Korea, Vietnam and Philippines. The validity of this type of visa is for maximum of 30 days and issued twice in a year with strict gap of two months. The following documents are required for issue of Visa on Arrival:-

  • Passport with minimum validity of 6 months from the date of arrival
  • Return air ticket
  • Two passport size photographs
  • Visa Fees in Indian Currency (to be paid in cash) Powers of VISA conversions and extensions to foreigners residing in India, vests with the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Foreigners can approach the ministry at
Ministry of Home Affairs (Foreigners Division),
Jaisalmer House, 26,
Man Singh Road, New Delhi
between 10 AM to 12 Noon on all working days (Monday to Friday).

The change of VISA status from one category to another category is normally not allowed. It can be considered by the Ministry of Home Affairs, only in extraordinary circumstances.

General Information/Instruction

Immigration check is conducted for all passengers, Indians or foreigners, both at the time of arrival and departure.

The passports are duly stamped at time of arrival as well as departure. Passengers should be careful to see that their passports are duly stamped before leaving the immigration counter. Foreigners arriving in India are required to fill Arrival Cards only while Indians have to fill Departure Cards at the time of Departure.

The following information is required to be provided by the passengers in these cards:

  • Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Passport Number
  • Address in india
  • Flight Number, Date of Arrival / Date of Boarding
If inadvertently, an immigration stamp is not affixed by the counter officer at the immigration check-post, the passenger may immediately contact the concerned FRRO/FRO/SSP and get the same affixed on his/her passport to avoid inconvenience at the time of next travel abroad.

Indian Passengers

Indian nationals travelling abroad require a valid Indian passport and travel authority for the destination country.

The travel authority is normally in the form of Visa, which is obtained prior to the journey, except in case of countries where "Visa on Arrival" is available.

Indians traveling abroad may also note that some countries insist for certain minimum period of passport validity for allowing entry & for this confirmation should be obtained from the Embassy/travel agent.

Indians having the Emigration Check Required(ECR) category of passports require POE clearance from Ministry of Overseas Indians Affairs for certain destinations if traveling on Employment Visa. The countries are United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Malaysia, Libya, Jordan, Yemen, Sudan ,Afghanistan, ,Indonesia, Syria, Lebanon, Thailand and Iraq. Immigration Shift in charge can allow following categories of persons with ECR endorsement on their Passport:

  • VIP like Central and State Ministers, MPs, MLAs, etc. and their family members accompanying them
  • Central and State Govt officers travelling on diplomatic/official passport or Passports with ECNR endorsement and their family members accompanying them
  • Students going abroad for higher studies provided they furnish documentary proof in support of their admission in the foreign country
  • Persons going abroad for medical treatment of any injury due to accident or any acute health problem of self or any of their relatives in a foreign country.
  • Sports person representing the country in nternational competitions/training/coaching programmes provided their foreign visit is duly approved by Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports

No POE clearance required for Indian Seaman having Continuous Discharge Certificate (CDC) or Seafarer Book

For further details see separate topic on ECNR/ECR/POE. Even for re-entry into the country, an Indian national is required to be in possession of a valid Indian passport or travel document issued by Govt. of India.

Identity documents required for Indian Citizen going to / coming from Nepal by Air :-

  • Advance intimation regarding transportation of the Dead body or human remains or ashes of the cremated bodies by the airlines should be given to Airport Health office at NSCBI Airport. (as required under rule above)
  • Documents required to be submitted for the purpose of Public Health clearance
    • Valid National Passport.
    • Photo Identity card issued by the Government of India/State Govt./UT Administration in India to their employees or Election ID card issued by the Election Commission of India.
    • Emergency Certificate issued by Embassy of India, Kathmandu.
    • Identity Certificate issued by Embassy of India, Kathmandu.
    • Persons in the age of group of above 65 years and below 15 years would be exempted from the requirement of approved identity documents mentioned at SL. No. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv). However, they must have some documents with photograph to confirm their age and identity such as PAN card, Driving license, CGHS card, Ration card etc.
    • (vi) Children between the age group of 15 to 18 years may be allowed to travel between India and Nepal on the strength of Identity certificate issued by the principal of the school in the prescribed performa.
    • In case of a family (family means husband, wife, minor children and parents) traveling together, the approved identification documents at SL. No. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) would not be insisted from all the family members if one of the adult members of the family has in possession of one of the prescribed identification documents at SL. No. (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv). However, the other family members must have some proof of their identity with photograph and their relationship as a family viz. CGHS card, Ration card, Driving license,ID card issued by school/college etc.

Note: - Aadhaar (UID) card is not an acceptable travel document for travel to Nepal/Bhutan.


Foreign Nationals coming to India are required to possess a genuine and valid national passport or any other internationally recognized travel document establishing his/her nationality and identity and bearing photograph of the foreigner. Nepal and Bhutan nationals if entering India by land or air from the Nepal or Bhutan border respectively do not require a passport for entering into India. However, they are required to possess, authorized identity proof. Further if they are entering India from a place other than their own country then possession of their national passport is a must.

VISA Requirement

Different categories of Visas with specific endorsement of number of entries allowed and duration of stay in India are mentioned on the Visa depending upon request and subsequent decision of the Visa issuing authority.

Foreigners may also look for specific endorsement, if any, on the Visa for their guidance.

In case of any doubt, they may seek clarification from any of the Indian Missions abroad. Nationals of Nepal and Bhutan do not require Visa to enter India. However, citizens of Nepal & Bhutan require a Visa when entering India from China. Citizens of Nepal going for work to a foreign country through India require cleance from Department of Foreign Employment of Nepal Government.

A citizen of Maldives visiting India for a short period, upto 90 days, is exempt from the requirement of Visa, as a special case, provided he/she holds a valid Passport issued by, or on behalf of Government of Maldives. This Visa free entry is allowed for the tourism purpose only. The period of 90 days shall include any prior period of stay of such foreigner on Tourist Visa Sticker in India during a period of six months immediately preceding the date of his/her entry into India.
The Maldivians who want to visit India for a period of more than 90 days shall get Visa issued

A separate Visa regime exists for diplomatic/& official passport holders.

Overseas Citizen Of India (OCI) :-
Passengers who are carrying old cancelled passports having Life Long Indian "U" Visa Sticker affixed on it along with new passport are allowed entry into India. Even if the OCI card holder acquires nationality of a different country, except that of Pakistan and Bangladesh, he/she is also allowed entry into India provided he/she is carrying his/her old passport having Life Long Indian "U" Visa sticker pasted on it along with the new passport of the recently acquired nationality.

Requirements during arrival of Foreigners in India

Immigration check is carried out for all passengers at the port of arrival in India. The Foreigners arriving in India are required to furnish true particulars in the Disembarkation Card (Arrival Card) as to his name and nationality, his age, sex, place of birth and address or intended address in India.

Immigration check includes checking of Passport, Visa, Disembarkation Card, entering foreigner's particulars in computer, retention of Arrival Card and stamping of Passport of the foreigner.

Pakistan nationals other than those on Diplomatic Visa (On Assignment), Non-Diplomatic Visa, SAARC Visa Exemption Sticker and SAU Visa or those who have been exempted from carrying visa application are required to carry a Visa application form (duplicate copies) which will be issued in addition to regular Visa on their passport by the Indian Mission concerned.

On presentation at Immigration check post, they are issued Regular Residential Permit and are required to report to the FRRO/FRO or concerned Police Station in their places of stay within 24 hours unless and until they are officially Exempted from Police Reporting.

Foreigners holding PIO cards-

The foreigners holding PIO cards can gain entry into India if valid PIO card is presented along with the valid new foreign passport issued in lieu of the passport endorsed on the PIO card.

However the foreigners are advised to have necessary endorsement of the new passport from the competent authority on their PIO cards to avoid any inconvenience.

Requirements during Stay In India

Foreigners are required to comply with the purpose for which a visa was initially applied, and also to abide by conditions endorsed on the visa.

If the visa is valid for more than 180 days and the foreigner intends to stay in India continuously for more than 180 days, then every such foreigner entering India or resident in India shall present in person or along with an authorized representative to the satisfaction of the appropriate Registration Officer at the place of his stay within the specified period mentioned on visa except certain visa categories requiring registration within the specified time. Such registration shall not be necessary in the case of a foreigner entering India on a visa valid for a period of not more than 180 days and who does not remain in India beyond the said period, unless, specific endorsement/observation is made on the visa by the Indian Mission.

For further information on registration requirement & visa, search for specific category of visa concerned page on this website.

At the time of Registration every foreigner shall furnish accurate information, to the satisfaction of the Registration Officer and shall, sign the Registration Report, in the presence of the said officer. The foreigner shall also be provided a copy of Certificate of Registration (Part III of Form A). Foreigners may go through the instructions given on Registration Certificates for their guidance concerning stay and future reporting.

Every foreigner shall within twenty hours of the demand being made by a Registration Officer, magistrate or police officer, not below the rank of a head constable, produce, at such place as may be specified in his passport or such other proof of his identity and/or Registration Certificate as may be required for any purpose connected with the enforcement of Foreigners Act/ Registration of Foreigners Rules.

General Instructions

Pakistan nationals other than those on Diplomatic Visa (For Assignment), Non-Diplomatic Visa, SAARC Visa Exemption Sticker and SAU Visa are required to carry a Visa application form (duplicate copies) which will be issued in addition to regular Visa on their passport by the Indian Mission concerned.

On presentation at Immigration check post, they are issued Regular Residential

Permit and are required to report at the FRRO/FRO or concerned Police Station in their places of stay within 24 hours unless and until they are officially Exempted from Police Reporting.

General Instructions


Visa-on-Arrival for a maximum of two times in a calendar year for single entry, 45 days'stay, maximum upto 5 places can be issued at Attari Immigration Point to a Pakistani national who is more than 65 years old and is crossing Attari on foot and :

  • whose sole objective of visiting India is to meet friends or relatives (individuals who want to avail business, medical, conference or pilgrim Visa have to apply to the respective Mission/Post for the requisite Visa)
  • Who does not have a residence or occupation in India
  • Who holds a passport with minimum validity of six months
  • not applicable to Diplomatic and Official Passport holders
  • Visa-on-Arrival to the Pakistani nationals will be available between 1000 hrs and 1600 hrs at the Immigration Check Post, Attari Road.


A Pakistani national of age more than 65 years, who wants to travel to India for a longer duration,should apply for a Visa in appropriate category at the India Mission/Post concerned.

A Pakistani national desiring to avail this facility should fill the prescribed Immigration Card at Attari Immigration Point and present -

  • Copy of his/her National Identity Card (NIC) with translation in English
  • Copy of a utility bill as proof of residence
  • His/her Pakistani Passport valid for not less than six months
  • Photocopy of passport
  • Two passport-size photographs
  • Confirmation of booking in case he/she is to stay in a hotel in India
  • Name and address of the person he/she is visiting in India
  • Sponsorship certificate should be attested by an authorized officer in India. DM/SP/SDM/Tahsildar/BDO/SHO/Group-"A" officers of the Central and State Government/ Principal of Government College/Principal or Headmaster of Government school are authorized for the purpose. A copy of the photo identity card of the concerned officer issuing the Sponsorship Certificate, duly self attested by the officer concerned, should be attached with the Sponsorship Certificate

Pakistani nationals who desire to avail Visa on Arrival shall be required to fill the on-line visa form on website and carry a print out of the same when they come to ICP Attari.


The immigration officer may grant single entry Visa-on-Arrival up to 45 days. Since all individuals, more than 65 years are exempted form Police Reporting, all such visas will also be endorsed "Exempted from Police Reporting.

Conditions for Visa-on-Arrival:

Visa-on-Arrival shall be non-extendable and non-convertible. At the time of issuance of Visa-on-Arrival, the Immigration Officer must make it clear to the Pakistani national eligible for such a visa that a Visa-on-Arrival can neither be extended nor converted to any other kind of visa during his/her stay in India except with the prior approval of the Foreigners Division, Ministry of Home Affairs. Visa-on-Arrival would not be given for visiting Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Kerala, cantonment areas and other areas and places under restricted/protected area regime.

Entry Points and Exit Points:

The Visa-on-Arrival will be provided only at the Immigration Check Post at Attari, Punjab to Pakistani nationals crossing on foot. All such Visa holders will be allowed to exit only from Attari (on foot).The facility will not be available for Pakistan nationals who intend to enter India at any other immigration/border point

Fee for Visa-on-Arrival

A fee on India Rupee 100/- or US$ 2/- or Pakistani Rupees 176/- per individual as per prevailing exchange rate) will be charged for the grant of a Visa-on-Arrival.

Repeat Visit

Visa-on-Arrival shall be allowed for a maximum of two times in a calendar year to a Pakistani national.


All Afghan Nationals arriving in India should get themselves registered (except those granted exemption from Police Reporting) within 14 days of their arrival by appearing in person, with the following documents (those below the age of 12 years and above the age of 65 years need not come personally to the FRRO/FRO, they may authorize any person with ID to process their arrival registration).

  • Passport
  • TRP form (Temporary Resident Permit) affixed with photographs.
  • Residence or/Address Proof:
    • If residing in hotel: Photocopy of C-Form
    • If residing as a tenant or paying guest: Recent water/electricity bill, a signed letter from the landlord along with his ID proof, Notarized Lease Agreement Copy.
    • If admitted in hospital : Letter from the hospital. Those holding Indian visas valid for less than 30 days are exempted from registration/exit permission provided they furnish their local address in India to the concerned Indian Mission.

Exit Permission

Exit permission is not required for those Afghan nationals who leave within the validity of visa period.

Afghan nationals holding Visa valid for 30 days or less are exempted from the requirement of registration as well as exit, provided he/she gives his/her local address in India to the Indian Mission.

Except those Afghan nationals covered above, others need to register with FRRO/FRO within 14 days of their arrival.

For exit, they may approach concerned FRRO/FRO/SSP 2/3 days before their departure along with their Passport, TRP, confirmed departure ticket and proof of address in case of change of address.

Return VISA

For Non-ethnic Afghan nationals (Hindus and Sikhs) who are registered with FRRO/FRO:

  • One Re-Entry facility is available for a maximum period of 90 days each, or
  • Two re-entry facility is available for a maximum period of 45 days each.for the following purposes:
    • For return visa to Kabul
      For disposal of property- Documents Required: Photocopy of original property papers along with letter of confirmation from Afghan Embassy.
    • For Return Visa to countries other than Afghanistan and Pakistan
      If the request is found justified, Sponsorship letter from a relative would be required, along with the proof of relation and the visa for the destination.

Stay VISA holders

  • Should have taken visa for the previous years.
  • In case of refugees, valid UNHCR Certificate. If not continuing as a refugee, a letter from UNHCR regarding cancellation of refugee status.
  • Residence/Address proof: (should provide any two of the following mentioned documents)
    • Notarized Rent Agreement
    • Telephone Bill
    • Electricity Bill
    • Bank Account papers
    • Sworn affidavit before the competent authority as prescribed under Rule 38 of the Citizenship Rule, 2009
  • Should apply for an appointment date by submitting filled up application forms along with above-mentioned documents and come personally on the date assigned with all the requisite documents and recent address proof.

Student VISA holders

They are required to register within 14 days with the following documents:

  • Passport
  • TRP form
  • Residence/Address proof:
    • If residing in hotel, photocopy of C-Form
    • if residing as a tenant or paying guest, Recent water/Electricity bill, a signed letter/rent agreement from the landlord along with his ID proof.
  • Bonafide certificate of a regular course from a recognised institute/University.b Extension shall be granted on production of bonafide certificate from the recognised institute.

Medical VISA

Afghan Nationals who are Medical Attendants (Med-X visa holders) will be allowed entry only if they are accompanied by the patient (Med visa holders).Extension on medical visa will be granted on pressing medical grounds only, which warrants stay of the patient in India for urgent medical attendance.It should be duly certified by a Government hospital/government recognized Private Hospital.

General Information

All Afghan Nationals found to be overstaying will be dealt with under the Foreigners Act, 1946.

Visa fees for Afghan nationals: Nil (Gratis)
Penalty in case of overstay: US $30 or equivalent in Indian Currency.
Penalty in case of late or non-registration: US $30 or equivalent in Indian Currency.

In case of loss of any document pertaining to visa (Residential Permit), a police report regarding the same is essential for issue of a duplicate document.

Citizens Of SAARC Countries

Citizens of SAARC Countries categorized asGroup A (Dignitaries, Government Officials, Participants of SAARC meetings and officials of SAARC Secretariat and its Regional Centers) who are coming under "SAARC Visa Exemption Scheme" are exempted from requirement of a visa and Police Reporting.

Citizens of SAARC Countries categorized as Group B (General/Public categories including Businessmen, Journalists, Sportsmen etc) who are coming under "Visa Liberalization Scheme" are exempted from requirement of Visa and Police Reporting.

Afghanistan Nationals are issued Temporary Residential Permit at the immigration Check post, with a direction to get themselves registered within 14 days with the concerned FRRO/FRO of their place of stay.

Foreigners may ensure that they enter India ONLY AFTER an immigration stamp with the correct date is affixed on their passport by the Immigration Officer.

Foreigners carrying a valid PIO (Person of Indian Origin) Card or OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) Card along with their valid national passport are authorized to enter India without obtaining Indian visa separately. It is compulsory for foreigners who are OCIs to also carry the passport bearing the OCI 'U' visa sticker.

Nepalese Passengers


  • A citizen of Nepal entering India by land or air does not require a passport or Visa for entry in India.
  • A citizen of Nepal while traveling by air between Nepal and India is required to be in possession of any of the following identity documents to establish his/her identity as a Nepalese citizen:-
    • Nepalese Passport.
    • Nepalese Citizenship Certificate.
    • Voter's Identification Card issued by the Election Commission of Nepal.
    • Limited Validity photo-identity certificate issued by Nepalese Missions in India when deemed necessary.
    • For children between age group of 10-18, photo ID issued by the Principal of the School, if accompanied by parents having valid travel documents. No such document is required for children below the age group of 10 years.
  • A citizen of Nepal must be in possession of a Passport when entering India from a place other than Nepal.
  • A citizen of Nepal must have a Passport and Visa for India if he/she is entering India from China.

Bhutanese Passengers

The following documents are required for clearance of Bhutanese citizens traveling by air to India:

  • A citizen of Bhutan entering India by Land or Air does not require passport or VISA for entry into India.
  • A citizen of Bhutan while travelling by Air between Bhutan and India however requires to be in possession of any of the following identity documents to establish his her identity as a Bhutanese citizen:
    • Bhutanese Passport
    • Bhutanese Citizenship Certificate
    • Voter Identification Card issued by the Election Commission of Bhutan
    • Limited Validity photo-identity certificate issued by Royal Bhutanese Mission in India when deemed necessary
    • For Children between the age of 10-18, Photo ID issued by the Principal of the School, if accompanied by parents having valid documents. No such document is required for children below the age of 10 Years.
  • A citizen of Bhutan must be in possession of a passport when entering from a place other than Bhutan.
  • A citizen of Bhutan must have a passport and visa for India if he/she is entering in India from China.

Temporary Landing Permit

Information Pertaining To Temporary Landing Permit

  • A foreigner in direct transit through India travelling by air can be granted temporary landing permit not exceeding 3 days provided he/she resumes journey by the next regularly scheduled flight. The Passport will be retained by the Immigration Authorities and returned back at the time of departure. Temporary Landing Permit is issued only for passengers and not for crew. However, Temporary Landing Permit is not issued to citizens of Bangaladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Iran, Taiwan, Somalia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Algeria, China.
  • FRROs/FROs cum Superintendents of Police can grant Landing Permit to the foreigners arriving in India by air or sea without valid visa under emergency situation like death/illness in the family upto a period of maximum three days and OCI card holders arriving without 'U' Visa Sticker upto a period of fourteen days provided the Immigration Officer is satisfied regarding the bonafide of the foreigner.
  • A fee of Rs.4,200/- equivalent to US $40 has to be paid in Indian currency per passenger, including children is charged for the grant of a landing permit except for the passengers falling under the Visa Fee Free (Gratis) Regime.
  • FRROs/FROs cum Superintendents of Police can grant Collective Landing Permit to the foreign tourists in groups of four or more arriving by air or sea, sponsored by Indian Travel Agencies approved by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India and with a pre-drawn itinerary for a period not exceeding 60 days, with multiple-entry facility to enable them to visit a neighbouring country.In order to avail of this facility, the tourist or travel agency concerned is to mandatorily fill in the applications online on website A complete list of group members along with printed Visa applications and their itinerary is to be submitted by the tourist or travel agency to the FRRO/FRO concerned, 72 hours in advance. The tourist or travel agency is also to give an undertaking to conduct the group as per the itinerary and extend a further assurance that no individual would be allowed to drop out from the group at any place. This facility is granted on payment of US $40 per tourist as TLP fee.
  • The crew members of non-scheduled flights/chartered flights operated by non-scheduled operators require valid Visa for entering into India. No Landing Permit is granted to such crew members except in cases where the crew members could not obtain the Visa due to some valid reasons and have to come to India in emergency. A fee of US $40 or equivalent amount in Indian rupees per person is charged from such crew members if Landing Permits are granted.
  • The crew members/seamen of scheduled/non-scheduled flights operated by the scheduled operators as approved by the Ministry of Civil Aviation from time to time can be granted Landing Permit upto a period of seven days without any charges. The seamen who arrive by ship and have to leave India either by another ship or by flight within seven days can also be granted Landing Permits without charging a fee.

Restricted / Protected Area

The Protected Areas are as follows:

  • Parts of State of Manipur
  • Parts of State of Mizoram
  • Parts of State of Arunachal Pradesh
  • Whole of State of Nagaland
  • Whole of State of Sikkim
  • Parts of State of Uttaranchal.
  • Parts of State of Jammu and Kashmir
  • Parts of State of Rajasthan.
  • Parts of State of Himachal Pradesh.

The Restricted Areas are as follows:-

  • Whole of Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  • Part of the state of Sikkim Generally speaking when a foreigner is in India then Power to issue permit to foreigners for visiting R/P areas vests with the Ministry of Home Affairs (ADDRESS: Ministry Of Home Affairs, Foreigners Division, NDCC-II Building 1st Floor, Jai Singh Road, Near NDMC Palika Kendra, New Delhi-110001).
    However, FRROs have been delegated powers in respect of some specified areas for a specified period and in some specific conditions. For a group of foreigners i.e. 2 or more for "Tourism" purpose only. However, the Ministry of Home Affairs can issue such permit to an individual. FRROs can issue these permits (for certain areas) only for groups of 2 or more foreigners.The foreign tourist should be accompanied with a recognized travel agent who would act as an escort.A fee of Rs. 1395/- is levied on issuance of Restricted/Protected Area Permit.

Health Regulation

Yellow Fever Vaccination : The validity of Yellow Fever Vaccination Card is 10 years

(A)For entry into India:-

Any person, Foreigner or Indian, (excluding infants below six months) arriving by air or sea without a vaccination certificate of yellow fever will be kept in quarantine isolation for a period up to 6 days if :

  • He arrives in India within 6 days of departure/transit from a yellow fever endemic area.
  • Has come on a ship which has started from or transited at any port in a yellow fever endemic country within 30 days of its arrival in India provided such ship has not been disinfected in accordance with the procedure laid down by WHO.

(B) For leaving India:-

There is no health check requirement by Indian Government on passengers leaving India. Persons leaving for a yellow fever infected area are advised in their own interest to get themselves vaccinated and to be possession of valid yellow fever vaccination certificates before they leave the country. An administrative Arrangement for the health control of sea, air and land traffic exists between the Government of India and the Government of Bangladesh. It implies that ,if any aircraft or ship or land traffic from a third country arrives first at any airport or port or border check post in either of the agreement countries and then directly (without touching any other third country enroute) reaches the second country of the agreement, all health checks will be completed in the country of first arrival and the travellers will be exempted from any further health check on arrival in the second country.

Persons exempted from production of vaccination certificate:

The under mentioned persons are exempted from production yellow fever vaccination certificate:

  • Infants below the age of six months.
  • Any person suffering from some chronic illness and has poor resistance and is thereby exempted from being vaccinated.
  • Crew and passengers of an aircraft transiting through an airport located in yellow fever infected area provided the Health Officer is satisfied that such persons remained within the airport premises during the period of stay.

Countries regarded as yellow fever infected

The following countries are regarded as yellow fever endemic :


Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Cote d' Ivoire , Democratic Republic of Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Sudan, South Sudan,Togo, Uganda.

South America:

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname, Trinidad (Trinidad only), Venezuela, Panama, Paraguay, Peru.

  • A Yellow fever vaccination certificate is valid only if it conforms to the model. The validity period of international certificate of vaccination or re-vaccination against yellow fever is 10 years, beginning 10 days after vaccination.
  • Foreign nationals residing or who have passed through the Yellow fever endemic countries during the preceding six days, are granted visas only after the production of vaccination certificate of Yellow Fever. After checking the vaccination certificate an entry reads as "Valid Yellow Fever Vaccination Certificate Checked" is made in the passport of the foreigner.

Polio Oral vaccine is mandatory for those going to or coming from 8 countries

Special counters have been set up at international airports in the State to administer oral polio vaccine (OPV) for persons undertaking urgent travel to and from eight polio-affected countries.

Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria are polio-endemic countries, while five others - Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Syria and Cameroon - got infected from the endemic countries in 2013, according to health officials.

The Government of India had made it mandatory for travellers to and from these countries to take a single dose of OPV in an effort to prevent the importation of poliovirus into the country.

Travellers of all age groups should get one dose of OPV at least four weeks prior to travel.

Short-notice trips

In case, any person has to undertake urgent travel to these countries or arrives here on short notice without vaccination, special booths have been set up at the NSCBI Airport.

This vaccination certificate has to be submitted along with the application for visa processing. Passengers should carry the certificate during travel as it will be checked at immigration points at airports.

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